quinta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2009

Summary of worldly wisdom

Ali pelo meio de uma penosa revisão da literatura, tornada ainda mais penosa porque feita sob o signo das férias e com um sol sedutor lá fora, encontrei este bocadinho:
My advisor in graduate school used to recite the tale of a king who summoned his wisest scientists and asked them to produce a summary of their worldly wisdom for him. After much debate and consideration, the wise council put before the king a thick, heavy manuscript. "This is too long," said the king, and ordered them away to hammer out an abbreviated, more accessible version. The wise council returned a few months later, having distilled the contents of their manuscript into one summary sentence: "This too shall pass." "Too long," insisted the king, and sent them back to revise and re-submit. Several months later, the counsel returned, this time with a single page, containing a single word: "maybe".
(Shpancer, 2006, p. 243)

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